Meeting documents

Dorset County Council People and Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Wednesday, 11th October, 2017 10.00 am

  • Meeting of People and Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee, Wednesday, 11th October, 2017 10.00 am (Item 47.)

To consider a report by the Corporate Director for Children, Adults and Communities.


The Committee considered a report by the Corporate Director for Children, Adults and Communities which provided an update on progress against the review/scrutiny areas that they had previously identified as being required.  The progress update included whether the scope was fully developed and, where applicable, views from officers about timings of reviews to be undertaken.


The Committee considered each scrutiny area individually as follows:-


Dorset Education Performance 2016

It had previously been agreed that an inquiry day be held but no date had been set for this.  Members noted that performance figures for 2017 were now available and the suggested half day review with stakeholders would provide an opportunity for a discussion on how performance could be improved. It was agreed that other members should be given the opportunity to take part in the review.



1.   That a half day review be undertaken before Christmas with stakeholders to discuss how performance could be improved.

2.   That the Chairman, as Lead Member, and the Assistant Director - Prevention and Partnerships, as Lead Officer, would progress the inquiry day.

3.   That other members be given the opportunity to take part in the review.


Special Educational Needs (SEN) Budget

It was noted that the Schools Forum would be considering a report on the budget on 20 October 2017. The Chairman reported that he and the Vice-Chairman were members of a group convened by the Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Economy, Education, Learning and Skills to look at SEN delivery.  In order not to duplicate effort, he suggested that this matter be referred to this Group with he and the vice-Chairman reporting back on progress.



That this item be referred to the Group on SEND delivery.


Worrkforce Capacity

It was reported that work was ongoing across Children's and Adult and Community Services.  The Lead Officers would provide an update on progress and key findings in the New Year.



That an update be provided in the New Year.


Community Transport

At the recent member scrutiny training it had become evident that a number of Committees had expressed an interest in scrutinising aspects of community transport and the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board was tasked to ensure that there was no duplication.  Lead Members had recently met with Lead Officers when it was agreed that an Inquiry Day would be held in February 2018 and a list of invitees drawn up.  All members would be invited to take part.




Mental Health

The Vice-Chairman  reported that the workshop scheduled to have taken place on 10 October 2017 had been cancelled as it clashed with another event.  This would now take place in November 2017 and would involve the Clinical Commissioning Group, key professional staff and service users.  A scoping document had been provided for members following publication of the agenda.


Members noted that the workshop would also take into account the review of Children and Adults Mental Health Services by the  Dorset Health Scrutiny Committee and members' views about children's mental health and access to services and service provision. 




Delayed Transfers of Care

It was suggested that in March 2018 the Committee be provided with information on performance over the winter months so the Committee could decide whether any further scrutiny was needed.


With regard to the Clinical Services Review announced by the Dorset Clinical Commissioning Group and whether this would place an additional burden on the Adult Social Care Budget, the Transformation Programme Lead for Adult and Community Forward Together Programme explained that any capacity lost in acute or community hospitals in the longer term would need to be matched by increased investment in adult social care.  Discussions with local NHS providers about future funding arrangements were due to start in November 2017.



That a report on Delayed Transfers of Care be provided in March 2018. 


Race and Hate Crime

The Lead Member and Lead Officer had completed a scoping report and an inquiry day was expected to be held early in the New Year.


The Committee were reminded that following the Brexit referendum an increase in race and hate crime had been experienced both nationally and locally and this had prompted the review.  The Committee had not received any recent information on incidents although it seemed that the surge had not continued.  When the prioritisation model was applied it indicated that the review was of a lower priority and the Committee considered whether it should therefore proceed.  Given that it was not known how far arrangements for the half day review had progressed, officers were asked to provide recent information on incidents and how far arrangements for the review had progressed before the Committee confirmed whether the review should proceed.


Members were also reminded that part of the original concern about race and hate crime were incidents involving those with disabilities.  However, they noted that this aspect was dealt with by the Safeguarding Boards and the Community Safety Partnership.



That officers provide recent information on race and hate crime incidents and progress with arrangements for the review so that a decision could be taken as to whether the review should proceed.


Social Isolation

The Chairman reported that a schedule of meetings had been arranged to progress the review.




A concern was expressed that with the Overview and Scrutiny Committees now have a cross-cutting responsibility there was a danger of duplication.  The Chairman reminded members that it was the role of the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board to ensure that this did not happen.

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